Thursday, 4 April 2013

Shark Fin Soup

Sadly, I saw a restaurant selling 'shark fin soup' while wandering through Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown. This meal is just what it sounds like, a soup with a shark fin in it. It's one meal I won't be trying and I am even going to avoid eating in places selling it whenever I can.

To get the fins thousands and thousands of wild sharks are captured each year and many have their fins cut off while they are still alive before being thrown back in to the sea. No other part of the shark is wanted or used. With no fins the sharks are unable to swim and then drown or starve to death in a lot of pain. Just for a soup! Would you cut the legs off of a live chicken and throw it back in the field to die just for your snack?

Not only is it an incredibly cruel way to make a meal but it's also one of the main reasons why so many shark species are becoming or have already become endangered. If you ever see it for sale please think twice about how it's made before deciding to try it.

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