Saturday, 27 April 2013

Change of Plan

A change in the way India now does it's visas means that Nads and I won't be stopping there on the trip. It's a bit sad as we won't get to see the Taj Mahal but it also means that we get to see our friends and family a little bit earlier.

A visa's basically a piece of paper that lets you into a country. You don't need them for all countries, some you can get for free and others you must pay for. We couldn't get one before we left because it would have gone out of date before we needed it but it would have cost just over £40 each. Since we have been away, though, India have changed it to over £100 each. Ouch.

Our around-the-world tickets have an option where we can make a change to some flights for free and, considering we were only going to be in India for less than a week, nearly £250 is a lot of extra money to pay so we decided to make the change.

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