Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

On the 22nd February 2011 the Christchurch Earthquake killed 185 people, injured thousands more and made international news. It has been just over two years since that day and lots of people are working hard to get Christchurch back to it's best but the city is still recovering. There is the occasional aftershock, a large area in the centre of the city named the 'Red Zone' is fenced off and closed to the public because of unstable buildings, houses on the city's outskirts are empty and boarded up and roads are uneven with cracks in the pavement centimetres wide.

I met a lady who was in the city centre when it happened. She was in a shopping mall and just sat on the floor, being near the food court she could hear all the crockery smashing as it hit the ground and she had to walk past so much rubble and damage on her way home. She told me that it took her three weeks before what had happened had properly sunk in.

Did You Know?: The earthquake did so much damage (Like destroying Christchurch Cathedral, pictured) because the centre of the 'quake was only a few miles outside Christchurch and it happened around lunchtime, a busy time for any city.

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