Saturday, 16 February 2013

No February 17th For Me.

There is a weird part to our flight to New Zealand later, we fly the 'wrong' way over the International Date Line and it means that we totally skip February 17th! Our flight may be just over thirteen hours but we take off on Saturday 16th February and land on Monday 18th!

We met some Australians in Brazil that did it the other way around and they said how bizarre it was because, not long before landing, it was middle of the night and then a couple of hours later is was 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was shining high in the sky! I think I may spend my first few days in New Zealand with a totally out-of-whack body clock.

Overall this doesn't have too much of a long-term effect on most holiday makers because they end up crossing back over the line on their flight home and gaining their lost day back, however for Nadia and I we cross it and end up back in England not crossing it again. This means that, for us, 2013 only has 364 days!

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