Monday, 24 September 2012

Where I'm Heading

The map below shows you where my wife (Nadia) and I will be travelling on our trip. The green lines show where we'll be flying and the pink ones show where we'll travelling longer distances over land.

My journey around the world.
Our first stop (After Gatwick Airport, obviously) is Cancun, Mexico and it is from there that I'll start blogging. Sometimes I won't be able to get to a computer for a while so I can't say, for example, I'll blog every Monday but I can promise that I'll blog as often as I can. I also promise to write about all the stuff you asked me to; places I've visited, fun stuff, weird stuff, foods I've tried and even the bits where things haven't quite gone to plan! I'll also try to upload the odd pic now and again. 

I hope you enjoy following me and if you're able to leave any comments or questions please do.

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