Saturday, 22 December 2012

Not Long To Go

Well, my last day at Weobley Primary School is over and it feels a little bit weird to think I won't be going back in January. I must say thank you to everyone who is reading this because you've taken the time to follow the link on the letter and find my blog. If you've added me to your bookmarks or favourites a big thank you, it means a lot to know that some people will be reading this while I'm travelling. I'll try to keep it interesting so you don't all get bored of it by February!

It's not long to go now until I leave for Mexico. My wife and I fly out on January 5th 2013 so once Christmas and New Year are over it really is the final countdown. I hope that everyone has a great festive season and I look forward to writing for you in the coming months.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Human Pin Cushion

It was off to the doctors today for yet more injections. This one was my second of three rabies jabs which goes on top of hepatitis A, yellow fever, typhoid and tetanus injections too. I have a fear of injections (Hence my face in this picture) but this around the world trip sure is giving me enough of them to help me get over this fear!
We also got ourselves a pile of tablets sorted today too. We've got 37 malaria tablets each and they'll protect us from nasty mosquito bites in Cambodia and Vietnam AND 40 altitude sickness tablets each because the places we're staying in Peru are over 3000m above sea level which can make you poorly because of the lower amounts of oxygen in the air (Hereford is less than 100m above sea level!).

Monday, 24 September 2012

Where I'm Heading

The map below shows you where my wife (Nadia) and I will be travelling on our trip. The green lines show where we'll be flying and the pink ones show where we'll travelling longer distances over land.

My journey around the world.
Our first stop (After Gatwick Airport, obviously) is Cancun, Mexico and it is from there that I'll start blogging. Sometimes I won't be able to get to a computer for a while so I can't say, for example, I'll blog every Monday but I can promise that I'll blog as often as I can. I also promise to write about all the stuff you asked me to; places I've visited, fun stuff, weird stuff, foods I've tried and even the bits where things haven't quite gone to plan! I'll also try to upload the odd pic now and again. 

I hope you enjoy following me and if you're able to leave any comments or questions please do.